Lean logistics Training

Allied has a network of subject-matter-experts that specialize in the source, make, and deliver portions of the value stream. We provide our clients with training solutions customized for your industry and tailored to meet your needs and goals. Our onsite training classes make for an impactful experience that provides your employees with the tools and skills they need to drive sustainable standards that improve your bottom line.

Let's create with our renowned instructors the best learning experience

At Allied, we understand that each organization has unique training needs, which is why we offer fully customized learning plans tailored precisely to your requirements.

Whether you're looking for an intensive one-day workshop or a more comprehensive three-day training program, our flexible approach ensures that we can accommodate any schedule. Our training is not one-size-fits-all; we personalize each session to suit different groups within your organization, from executives and leadership teams to frontline employees.

Let us design a training solution that aligns perfectly with your goals and the specific needs of your team, empowering your workforce to achieve operational excellence.

real life examples of past in-house trainings

These are summaries of two actual training sessions we have conducted in the past, which reflect the type of content we address and the seriousness with which we approach our work.

case 1:
Lean Basics Training (1 day intensive)

Module 1: Introduction to Lean Manufacturing

  • Introduction and history of Lean Manufacturing
  • 5 Key Lean Principles “True North”
  • Capabilities of the Operationally Outstanding

Module 2: The Business Case

  • Business Case and Why Lean Manufacturing
  • Benefits and Outcomes
  • Challenges and Roadblocks
  • Success stories

Module 3: Interactive Workshop

  • Interactive Simulation: Standardization
  • Case Studies

Module 4: Essential Tools of Lean Manufacturing

  • 6S for manufacturing and office
  • Kaizen
  • Just In Time, Jidoka, and Kanban System
  • Value Stream Design, VSDiA and A3
  • KPI Trees

Module 5: Next Steps

  • Wrap up and Key Take Aways
  • Feedback
  • Glossary and Resources
case 2:
3-Day Lean Basics Training

DAY 1:

  • Introduction to Lean

  • True North and Lean Principles

  • Pull Principle - Intro to Kanbans

    • Lean Line Design, Flow Oriented Layout

    • Leveling Basics

  • Pull Principle Simulation 

  • Yokoten (Sharing of Knowledge)

  • Day 1 Wrap up

DAY 2:

  • Review Day 1

  • Total Productive Maintenance

  • Standardization: Work Sequence sheets, Combination Tables, Charts

  • Kaizen (Continuous Improvement)

  • Standard Work Simulation 

  • Yokoten 

  • Wrap Up

DAY 3: 

  • Review Day 1 and Day 2

  • 5S Principles and Implementation

  • 5S Simulation / Activity

  • Visual Management


  • Yokoten

  • Day 3 Wrap Up / Survey

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