Pallet Flow Racking


Pallet flow rack provides superior storage density over all other rack systems with a First-In/First-Out (FIFO) inventory flow. It is best suited for inventory with a limited number of high-volume SKUs. The system design is tightly configured, packing in a high number of pallets in a condensed space. Flow lanes have wheeled or roller rails installed on a slight pitch to automatically flow pallets from the load side to the pick aisle, helping you minimize travel time and associated labor and equipment costs.

Save with Pallet Flow Rack

  • Double storage capacity over static rack systems
  • Save up to 75% in labor & equipment costs
  • Reduce utility expenses with condensed storage

Pallet flow racking is also often beneficial for ergonomic case picking. The application provides dense reserve storage and an automatically replenished pick face when the empty pallet is removed. Speak with the Apex systems design experts for custom gravity flow rack applications to enhance your team’s productivity.

Advantages | Considerations

  • Double the capacity vs. conventional pallet rack storage
  • More productive – less travel time between aisles
  • Lane depth 2- to 10-pallets deep
  • FIFO inventory rotation – ideal for dated goods
  • Higher cost per pallet position
  • Additional height required per level

Pallet flow rack is most often configured using opposite aisles for pallet loading and extraction. This system design supports FIFO inventory rotation.

  1. The forklift operator loads pallets from the rear of the system.
  2. Pallets flow forward to the opposite aisle.
  3. The forklift extracts the pallet at the pick face.
  4. Rear pallets begin flowing automatically to replenish the empty pallet position

Rails are easily mounted to standard pallet racking systems; however, choosing the best pallet flow lane design will depend heavily on inventory specs and pallet material.

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